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Friday, June 5, 2015

Kymber and the 3 little bears

This morning on mine adventures I woke up grabbed my yummy pudding cup and headed out my beach hut doors much to my shock I found 3 little bears outside!  One was much too comfy and fell asleep in the chair, the other was not comfy enough and wanted to go swimming and the other little bear welp he got juicebox wasted!  I was not too happy he drank alla mine juice boxes and even ate some of my pudding cups!

If I didn't have school today I would've found their mommy and made them come get them but I knew a how yummy the pudding and juice boxes are so I just let it slide for now.  Who can resist a juice box and pudding cup anyways?

What I am wearing:

Hair:  Love Soul  Hair*149

Glasses:  .tsg.  Shy Megane

Bathing suit:  Tiny Buttons at the Play Room Snow Ultra Rare

Juice box:  [Cosmic Dust Kids] at the Play Room various flavors

Pudding cups:  Tic Tot Toe at the Play Room  I am holding the Rare gummy worm pudding cup and Dave ate the rare tapicoa and rare chocolate as well as the yellow pudding cup.

Beach hut:  Nach at the Play Room  Blue Rare

Special appearance by Booger bears from the Arcade  Left to Right:  Charlie (rare), Dave, and Sunny.

Here is to hoping you always enjoy your pudding and juice!  Have a lovely day...


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